About us



A constant seeker of light, beauty, emotions and stories, that is how I would describe myself. I love light and I want to create beautiful pictures thanks to it. On the wedding day, I shift smoothly between reportage photo, portrait and product photography, because each situation requires a different approach. I want you, your parents, grandparents and friends, to be happy about the result. I try to avoid trends so that the photos are timeless both in content and in processing. As a wedding photographer, I feel obliged to give you a 100% experience, so I try to avoid compromise, because I have only one chance to capture timeless photos for you.

For more information, visit my Prague wedding photographer website.



Within a several years in the wedding photography industry, I realized how important is the complete experience of the whole photo shoot, from the first moments of the mail communication to the first time seeing wedding album, the shoot itself is just one part of the whole. Due to the growing family and the need to devote myself to children, I decided to stop taking pictures and concentrate on those things around, which allow me to devote more family and work at the same time. Supervising photo processing and checking the result products is what I’m currently focusing on. I want you to always get the perfect and unique result that will remind you of your wedding day in all your details.

What is our equipment?

Profesionální fotoateliér v Brně

As professional photographers, we don’t travel lightly and we attend the wedding battle field with full armour. We mostly depend on Nikon equipment while trying to capture the unique pictures. This brand hasn’t failed us yet.

We use solely fullframe bodies and we combine objectives with fixed glasses and zooms. You can find even a set of flashes, tripods and other accessories in our backpack, that we use as necessary (for example handkerchiefs that we can promptly offer to touched mother of the bride). The fight is merciless and the wedding scenery is magical.

But we photograph under any circumstances. High quality equipment allows us to move lightly and to focus fully only on taking the best pictures possible.

We never send unedited photos

Pro úpravu svatebních fotek používáme profesionální grafický nástroj Adobe Photoshop

Pro úpravu svatebních fotek používáme profesionální nástroj Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC

Naše jedinečné svatební fotografie vznikají díky technice značky Nikon

From the beginning, we follow one rule: You will not receive any unretouched pictures from us. You have to take a picture of high quality which is why we use proper equipment. But that’s not all. Digital „raw“ snapshots that we took has to be edited afterwards.

In practice, the photographer will come home from the wedding, where he spent 5 hours, and then he will spent probably 10 more hours by retouching of the photographs. Sometimes even more, but the results are definitely worth it. The picures without any editing are a raw material to us, if we exaggerate a bit. It’s a similar to wood in case of cabinet maker. He has everything that he needs for making the final product, but it has to be shaped a bit. We just don’t use chisel, only modern tools called Photoshop and Lightroom.

Only retouched pictures are fully-fledged results. Only such pictures can be presented to next generations and you will be remembering the beauty of your wedding with a tear in your eye.

Svatební fotografie před profesionální grafickou korekcíFinální svatební fotografie po grafické úpravě
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Tel: +420 739 648 914

Email: contact@photonejedli.com


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